Saturday, February 26, 2011


Here's the latest on Caydence.

Caydence wasn't feeling well on Friday. I took her to the pediatrician Friday at 3, and her stats were in the 60's (they are supposed to be in the 80's), and she was complaining of stomach pains. She was also breathing 50 reps per minute (this is supposed to be 20-30).

So off to Children's we went to get checked out. They did a chest xray and abdominal xray, which looked good.

They wanted to put in an iv. They blew her viens twice before finally gettin it on the 3rd time. Do you have any idea how hard it is to watch them stick your kid 3 times. Unreal.

So they put her on iv fluids to help her out because they thouht perhaps she was dehydrated.

We came up to the 8th floor at about midnight. From midnight to 7am her stats were up and down, so they put her on oxygen to help her stay in the 80's.

We are fixing to do miralax, which is something to help her poop. They are thinking maybe she is constipated.

Worse case scenraio it MIGHT be a heart thing, and we might push the cath (which was supposed to be on March 11) and the heart surgery.

But they want to see first if she will poop, and see how that affects everything. Maybe her oxygen stats are low because her stomach is in pain, because she can't poop.

Will keep you posted as we know something.

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